Part 1: IBuild Tech Support - Producteev Sign-up
This video will outline the steps you will need to complete the sign up to the project management system Producteev. It is a video guide where you can watch the screen of our Tech Support team and follow their movements as they create a Producteev account.
Duration: 1min 48sec
Part 2: iBuild Tech Support – Producteev Posting
This video will outline the steps you will need to log back into producteev and how to post your messages or upload files. It is a video guide where you can watch the screen of our Tech Support team and follow their movements as they create post their comments on Producteev.
Duration: 2min 19sec
Part 3: iBuild Tech Support – Producteev FAQ
This video will outline the FAQ and general troubleshooting methods we use to make Producteev use run more efficiently. It is a video guide where you can watch the screen of our Tech Support team and follow their movements as go through the basic problems that tend to happen with new users to Producteev.
Duration: 4min 5sec