Legislation in Victoria has restrictions on who lives in granny flats, commonly called (DPU) Dependant Person Units, and who are renting them out. For example, in some council areas granny flats can only be occupied by a person who is dependent on the resident of the main dwelling – normally a family member. Once they leave it has to be removed. Some council rules state granny flats cannot be occupied or rented out privately. It is each councils responsibility to enforce these rules through the enforcement provisions of the Planning and Environment Act.
Usually, depending on which council, the occupant of the DPU has to be named at building time. AÂ DPU has a kitchen and bathroom and usually shares its sewer and water services with the sites principle residence
Your local Council rules and regulations have to be taken into account when planning to build a DPU in the state of Victoria. Speak to both the building and planning departments and obtain something in writing before planning to build your DPU. Each department will give you all the information you require.
iBuild Advocates Granny Flats Approval Rules Change In Victoria
According to a recent news article in The Age, the Victoria State Government is going to consider changes to strict rules preventing small backyard homes being rented out, after an expert committee advising on Melbourne’s 40-year plan recommended the removal of planning obstacles for smaller-scale infill projects to create more affordable housing.
The same news article reported that iBuild supplied 10 times more granny flats to Sydney than it did to Melbourne, thanks to the much streamlined approval process in Sydney.
iBuild supports and advocates granny flats planning rules change in Victoria, to match NSW, WA and ACT, where it is possible to build a small secondary dwelling for use by dependents, or to be rented out to unrelated parties – without planning approval or requirements to subdivide.

Are you qualified for first home owner grant?
To see if you are eligible or to obtain more information about the First Home Owner Grant, please visit the The First Home Owner Grant Summary Page, and then select VIC.