Approvals Service QLD

  • Development Application (DA)
  • Building Approval/Building Permit (BA/BP)

DA - Development Approval

Refers to the regulatory approval that must be obtained prior to commencing a development. The DA authorises assessable development to take place. Approval is issued by the local government authority – with or without conditions or not approved. (Note: Development Approval can also be referred to as development permit or decision notice).

BA/BP - Building Approval/Building Permit

Refers to how a building will be constructed. It is required for most developments to ensure a building complies with building laws, including the Building Code of Australia.

A building development approval is required before starting construction on most types of domestic building work.

These approvals are also known as building permits and can be obtained from either your local council or a private building certifier.

QLD Specifications

Approval of domestic building work

Council building certifiers and private building certifiers must be licensed with the Queensland Building and Construction Commission. Building certifiers are responsible for assessing whether proposed building work complies with all relevant provisions of the Building Act 1975 and associated standards.

Building certifiers will also be able to advise whether a building approval is required. Some minor building work may be accepted development.

Some aspects of domestic building work such as the maximum height, setback or character of a building may be controlled under a council planning scheme and a planning permit is required from council.

Integrated Development Assessment System (IDAS) – forms to be completed when lodging a development application. These forms are used by all local government authorities in Queensland to conduct development assessment under the PA 2016.

Building Certification – formal approval of building plans and construction by a registered building certifier. This is achieved by the issue of a Certificate of Classification and marks the building ready for lawful use.

Development Approval process

There are four steps in the Development Approval process. You should seek advice from your local government authority throughout the process.

Step 1 – Determine what type of development you are undertaking.

Step 2 – Determine the type of assessment required.

Step 3 – Complete the appropriate application and submit to your Local Government Authority.

Step 4 –LGA will issue a Decision Notice.

Building Approval process After obtaining DA your next step is to obtain BA. You must have DA and BA before you can commence construction. Note: BA can also be referred to as building permits, development approvals or building certification.

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