Approvals Service SA

  • Development Approval (DA)
  • Building Rules Consent (BRC)

BRC - Building Rules Consent

An application for building rules consent is assessed against the Building Rules.

The council building surveyor or a private certifier can undertake an assessment and issue the building rules consent.

Plans and documentation must be prepared and submitted in accordance with Schedule 5 of the Development Regulations 2008.

Approval for development in a council area

If your development is proposed in a council area, the type of approval you may require is determined by the Development Act 1993.

Most developments in council areas are granted approval by the relevant local council. In a small number of cases, approval may be granted by the State Commission Assessment Panel (SCAP).

SA Specifications

Development ExampleApproval Required?
Minor building projects at home
Small garden sheds
Small water tanks
Retaining walls
Development approval not usually required
If development approval is not required, the development is ‘exempt’.

The Virtual House guides you through all development types that are exempt from requiring development approval.
Larger building projects at home
Large sheds
Granny flats
Swimming pools
Residential Code developments
Development approval usually required
The development approval must include a building consent to ensure building work can be undertaken in a safe and compliant way.

A planning consent may also be required if the project is considered to have a planning impact on its surrounding area, such as overlooking or overshadowing.
Changing the land use of an existing building
Changing an office to a shop, without building work
"Home activity" as defined by the Development Regulations 2008
Development approval usually required
The development approval must include a planning consent to ensure the project does not have a negative planning impact on its surrounding area, such as increased car parking or hours of operation.

A building consent may be required even if no building works are proposed. This is because a change in land use may require different building fire safety requirements.
Altering land boundaries
Moving the boundary between two adjoining allotments
Subdividing a parcel of land into two parcels
Development approval always required, unless amalgamating two adjoining allotments
The development approval must include a land division consent and a planning consent.

Building rules consent is generally granted after a development plan consent has been obtained from the council.

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