We would like to congratulate our customers Randy & Vicky for selecting the Kit Homes Valley Heights design for their project in Warneet, VIC
We would like to congratulate our customers Randy & Vicky for selecting the Kit Homes Valley Heights design for their project in Warneet, VIC
We would like to congratulate our customers Gary and Janine for selecting the Kit Homes Townsville design for their project in Cooroibah, QLD
We would like to congratulate our customer Siobhan for selecting the Kit Homes Melrose design for her project near Gympie, QLD.
We would like to congratulate our customer Mila for selecting the Kit Homes Springwood design for her project in Pimpimbudgee, Qld.
We would like to congratulate our customer Brylee for selecting the Kit Homes Casa Bianca design for their project in Trafalgar, VIC
We would like to congratulate our customer Cody for recently finishing his the Kit Homes Avila in Marlo, Vic to have a look how the project came out check out the project’s Facebook album.
We would like to congratulate our customer John for selecting the Kit Homes Gold Coast design for his project in Rhine Falls, NSW.
iBuild has once again been featured on the property website Domain in a story that asks, “What are the rules for tiny houses, WFH pods and backyard cabins?”. The story was published across Nine Entertainment media websites the Sydney Morning Heard, The Age, WA today, the Brisbane Times and the Australian Financial Review.
We would like to congratulate our customers Karen & Peter for selecting the Kit Homes Parramatta design for their project in Gelorup, WA.
We would like to congratulate our customers Keith & Connie for selecting the Kit Homes Mackay design for their project in Warragul, VIC.