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Grand Results for a Grand Opening

iBuild opened its doors to city councillors, members of parliament, and affiliated partners for their official grand opening of the Engineering Hub at their Campbellfield Factory. It was a great day to celebrate the achievements of iBuild and their goal to become Australia’s leading supplier of kit homes and modular buildings.


iBuild To Donate 100 Homes To The Homeless

iBuild Building Solutions is responding to this homelessness crisis by donating 100 prefabricated housing units to not-for-profit organisations over the next five years. The homeless donation announcement was made at iBuild’s official grand opening of its Campbellfield Factory.

Kit Homes Northern Territory

Kit Homes Northern Territory

iBuild has joined the Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Cooperation to invest in the cultural and economic future of the Northern Territory, after being tasked with the construction of a kit home office in the small town of Jabiru.

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