We would like to congratulate our customer Kelsey for selecting the Kit Homes Penrith design for her project in Kendenup, WA.
We would like to congratulate our customer Kelsey for selecting the Kit Homes Penrith design for her project in Kendenup, WA.
Andrew’s Kit Homes Mackay is situated on the picturesque bank of a small lake offering stunning views of Victoria’s rural heartland. This project is a major milestone our manufacturing division, iBuild Steel Frame, as it showcases one of the first Kit Homes Mackay’s in Australia, constructed with our cutting-edge Aussie manufactured steel frames.
We would like to congratulate our customer John for selecting the Kit Homes Whyalla design for his project in Giragrre, Vic.
We would like to congratulate our customers Michelle & Kevin for selecting the Kit Homes Tamworth design for their project in Karridale, WA
We would like to congratulate our customer Kelinda for selecting the Kit Homes Ballina design for her project in Cedar Vale, QLD
We would like to congratulate our customer Jason for selecting the Kit Homes Melrose design for his project in Gravelly Beach, TAS
We would like to congratulate our customer Paul for selecting the Kit Homes Melrose design for his project in Wamboin, NSW.
We would like to congratulate our customer Mark for selecting the Kit Homes Avila design for his project in Two Rocks, WA.
We would like to congratulate our customer Sherie for selecting the Kit Homes Oxford design for her project in Moama, NSW.
We would like to congratulate our customer Naomi for selecting the Kit Homes Parramatta design for her project in Port Willunga, SA