Our home kits and modular products are designed in such a way that you can easily assemble them yourself as an owner builder or have them assembled as owner manager.
Our home kits and modular products are designed in such a way that you can easily assemble them yourself as an owner builder or have them assembled as owner manager.
iBuild Customer Advisor Susanne Kendall is a mum of 3 small kids, and a determined property investor.
Becoming an owner builder is a great way to save thousands of dollars on your new home.
iBuild is pleased to become a member of the Housing Industry Association, the voice of Australia’s home building industry.
Another kit homes Griffith customer has chosen iBuild! Congratulations to Debbie and Graham on moving forward with the very popular Avila 2-bedroom design!
Check out this video to learn more about the designer of current Australian passport, Mark Hayward, and why he believes iBuild is the passport to your dream home and freedom.
Another granny flat Sydney customer has chosen iBuild! Congratulations to Kate on moving forward with the very popular Avila 2-bedroom design for her Dad!
Granny Flats are indeed a BOOM! for iBuild On 23 September 2016, A Current Affair aired a story about the granny flat boom sweeping Australia, interviewing iBuild staff members about iBuild’s range of products and iBuild customers about why they were taking part in the Granny Flat Boom.
Kit Home Prices Table Explanation: get confused about our kit home prices table and want somebody explain it to you?
The Victorian Caravan Parks Association (VicParks) has officially welcomed iBuild as an associate member and preferred supplier for accommodation units.