Do you know that Australian Government offers renewable power incentives to households for installing solar panels system in Australia? If you are an owner-occupier, landholder or renter living in Victoria, Western Australia, New South Wales, South Australia, Queensland, Tasmania, Australian Capital Territory or Northern Territory, you may be eligible to apply.
This rebate program could save you roughly 20-30% of the purchase cost depending on the number of small-scale technology certificates (STCs) your solar panel system create. Generally speaking, the number of STCs that can be generated is based on the size, capacity and electricity output in your chosen solar system, the climate region and the other set criteria.

What is STCs?
STCs can be treated as a form of electronic currency that is redeemable and tradable. As an Australian household, you have two options for trading your STCs:
• Assign STCs to a system installer for claiming the STC discount, or
• Sell them via STC market or STC clearing house
In the STC market, the STCs price vary each day according to the supply and demand side of the renewable energy certificate market. However, in STC clearing house, 1 STC is always selling for $40, excluding GST.
Generally, 1 STCs is equivalent to 1 MWh of renewable electricity generated by the solar system. If you are interested in finding out the number of STCs generated from your chosen solar panel system, you could simply click the below link to calculate:
For more information, please visit:
Australian Government Renewable Power Incentive
Buying and Selling Small-scale Technology Certificates